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For those who want more information about the different sources of additional expertise included in Conquer the Clutter, pages 257 to 261 contain all of those references.


Chapter 1. Overview of Hoarding


American Psychiatric Association (APA). 2013. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. Washington, DC: APA. Emergence Health Network, El Paso Center for Mental Health /Intellectual Disabilities. 2018. “Biological Explanations of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRDs).” Emergence Health Network. Accessed October 5, 2018. Feusner, Jamie, and Sanjaya Saxena. 2005. “Compulsive Hoarding: Unclutter Lives and Homes by Breaking Anxiety’s Grip.” Current Psychiatry 4 (3): 12-26. Hartl, T. L., S. R. Duffany, G. J. Allen, G. Steketee, and R. O. Frost. 2005. “Relationships among Compulsive Hoarding, Trauma, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” Behaviour Research and Therapy 43:269-76. Hwang, Jen-Ping, Shih-Jen Tsai, Chen-Hong Yang, King-Ming Liu, and Jing-Feng Lirng. 1998. “Hoarding Behavior in Dementia: A Preliminary Report.” American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 6 (4): 285-89. Nestadt, Gerald. 2018. “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Research: Family and Genetic Studies of OCD.” Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, John Hopkins Medicine. Accessed December 5, 2018. Samuels, J., Y. Y. Shugart, M. A. Grados, V. L. Willour, O. J. Bienvenu, B. D. Greenberg, J. A. Knowles, J. T. McCracken, S. L. Rauch, D. L. Murphy, Y. Wang, A. Pinto, A. J. Fyer, J. Piacentini, D. L. Pauls, B. Cullen, S. A. Rasmussen, R. Hoehn-Saric, D. Valle, K. Y. Liang, M. A. Riddle, and G. Nestadt. 2007. “Significant Linkage to Compulsive Hoarding on Chromosome 14 in Families with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Results from the OCD Collaborative Genetics Study.” American Journal of Psychiatry 164 (3): 493-99. Shaw Mind Foundation. 2016. Hoarding Disorder. Newark, UK: Shaw Mind Foundation. Steketee, Gail, and Randy O. Frost. 2007. Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring Workbook. New York: Oxford University Press. Steketee, Gail, and Randy O. Frost. 2007. Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring–Therapist Guide. New York: Oxford University Press. Winsberg, M. E., K. S. Cassic, and I. M. Koran. 1999. “Hoarding in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Report of 20 Cases.” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60 (9): 591-97. Zhang, Heping, James F. Leckman, David L. Pauls, Chin-Pei Tsai, Kenneth K. Kidd, M. Rosario Campos. 2002. “Genomewide Scan of Hoarding in Sib Pairs in Which Both Sibs Have Gilles de Tourette Syndrome.” AJHG 70 (4): 896-904.


Chapter 2. Environmental and Self-Assessment


Burns, David D. 1999. Ten Days to Self-Esteem. New York: Quill. Steketee, Gail, and Randy O. Frost. 2007. Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring Workbook. New York: Oxford University Press. 


Chapter 3. Goals


Doran, George. 1981. “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives.” Management Review 70 (11): 35-36. Robbins, Tony. 2018. “Why We Do What We Do.” Tony Robbins Podcast, 33:21 mins., July 2, 2018.


Chapter 5. Procrastination


Birchall, Elaine. 2016. “Procrastination: Why You Do It and How To Stop.” Interview with Jane Burka. Take Back Your Life When Your Things Are Taking Over, 54:58 mins., November 2, 2016. Burka, Jane, and Lenora Yuen. 2008. Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do about It Now. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press. Dweck, Carol S. 2007. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Random House. 


Chapter 6. The Impact of Hoarding on Families


ten Boom, Corrie. “The Weaving.” Performed by Carrie ten Boom. Video, 1:28, uploaded by ATHTS, July 9, 2015.


Chapter 8. Impulse Shopping


Andreassen, Cecilie S., Mark D. Griffiths, Ståle Pallesen, Robert M. Bilder, Torbjørn Torsheim, and Elias Aboujaoude. 2015.. “The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Brief Screening Test.” Frontiers in Psychology 6:1374. Brand, M., C. Laier, M. Pawlikowski, U. Schächtle, T. Schöler, and C. Altstötter-Gleich. 2011. “Watching Pornographic Pictures on the Internet: Role of Sexual Arousal Ratings and Psychological-Psychiatric Symptoms for Using Internet Sex Sites Excessively.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14 (6): 371-77. doi:10.1089/cyber.2010.0222. Drummond, D. C. 2000. “What Does Cue-Reactivity Have to Offer Clinical Research?” Addiction 95:129-44. Drummond, D. C. 2001. “Theories of Drug Craving, Ancient and Modern.” Addiction 96:33-46. Sodano, R., and E. Wulfert. 2010. “Cue Reactivity in Active Pathological, Abstinent Pathological, and Regular Gamblers.” Journal of Gambling Studies 26:53-65. Franken, I. H. 2003. “Drug Craving and Addiction: Integrating Psychological and Neuropsychopharmacological Approaches.” Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 27:563-79. Laier, C., M. Pawlikowski, J. Pekal, F. P. Schulte, and M. Brand. 2013. “Cybersex Addiction: Experienced Sexual Arousal When Watching Pornography and Not Real-Life Sexual Contacts Makes the Difference.” Journal of Behavioral Addictions 2:100-107. LaRose, Robert, and Matthew S. Eastin. 2002. “Is Online Buying Out of Control? Electronic Commerce and Consumer Self-Regulation.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 46 (4): 549-64. Rose, Susan, and Arun Dhandayudham. 2014. “Towards an Understanding of Internet-Based Problem Shopping Behaviour: The Concept of Online Shopping Addiction and Its Proposed Predictors.” Journal of Behavioral Addictions 3 (2): 83-89. Schöler, T., and C. Altstötter-Gleich. 2011. “Watching Pornographic Pictures on the Internet: Role of Sexual Arousal Ratings and Psychological–Psychiatric Symptoms for Using Internet Sex Sites Excessively.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14:371-77. Thalemann, R., K. Wölfling, and S. M. Grüsser. 2007. “Specific Cue Reactivity on Computer Game-Related Cues in Excessive Gamers.” Behavioral Neuroscience 121:614-18. Trotzke, Patrick, Katrin Starcke, Astrid Muller, and Matthias Brand. 2015. “Pathological Buying Online as a Specific Form of Internet Addiction: A Model-Based Experimental Investigation.” PLoS One 10 (10): e0140296. Trotzke, Patrick, Katrin Starcke, Anya Pedersen, and Matthias Brand. 2014. “Cue-Induced Craving in Pathological Buying: Empirical Evidence and Clinical Implications.” Psychosomatic Medicine 76 (9): 694-700. Valence, Gilles, Alain D’Astous, and Louis Fortier. 1988. “Compulsive Buying Scale.” In Compulsive Buying: Concept and Measurement. Sherbrooke: University of Sherbrooke. Accessed at ShopaholicNoMore, February 2011. Wei, Marlynn. 2015. “10 Signs You’re Addicted to Online Shopping.” Psychology Today (blog), November 4, 2015.


Chapter 10. A Life Stored, Not Lived


Burka, Jane, and Lenora Yuen. 2008. Procrastination: Why You Do It, What To Do About It Now. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press. Huizen, Jennifer. 2016. “Diogenes Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment.” Medical News Today, December 11, 2016.


Chapter 16. Resources


Alonso, P., M. Gratacòs, J. M. Menchón, C. Segalàs, J. R. González, J. Labad, M. Bayés, E. Real, R. de Cid, A. Pertusa, G. Escaramís, J. Vallejo, X. Estivill. 2008. “Genetic Susceptibility to Obsessive-Compulsive Hoarding: The Contribution of Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 Gene.” Genes, Brain, and Behavior 7 (7): 778-85. Collingwood, Jane. 2016. “The Genetics of Compulsive Hoarding.” Psych Central. Last updated July 17, 2016. Reuters. 2009. “Gene Link to Compulsive Hoarding.” Stuff, November 2, 2009. Saxena, Sanjaya. 2007. “Is Compulsive Hoarding a Genetically and Neurobiologically a Discrete Syndrome?” Editorial. American Journal of Psychiatry. Published online March 1, 2007.


Appendix. Case Review from Birchall Consulting and Associates, Inc.


Frost, Randy O., Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin. 2011. “Comorbidity in Hoarding Disorder.” Depression and Anxiety 28 (10)” 876-84. Nestadt, Gerald. 2018. “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Research: Family and Genetic Studies of OCD.” Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, John Hopkins Medicine. Accessed December 5, 2018. Odom, Mark. 2011. “Hoarding Interventions: 90 Minute Workshop on Hoarding Disorder and Effective Interventions.” Boston University, December 2011.







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